Performed Projects

Performed Projects

Look below some of the many projects performed by our clients:

Sabó Industria e Comercio de Autopeças LTDA – São Paulo - SP / Mogim-Mirim - SP
- Grease application machines in seals
- Machines for hoses tests
- Feeding and vulcanization press extraction kit
- Seals Burring Machines
- Machines for the application of springs in seals
- XYZW Machines for the application of silicone in engine flange
- Machines for setting up of springs and inspection through camera
- Printing machines in hoses
- Retrofitting in compression presses
- Technical assistance in production machines
- Distribution electrical panels providing
- Alteration of PLCs and HMIs softwares in production machines
- Technical labor providing, electricians and mechanics to help with the maintenance
ZF do Brasil – Diadema – SP / Sorocaba - SP
- General retrofitting in 06 Rubber REP injectors
- Alteration of PLC and IHM software for machines in production
- Technical assistance in production machines
Greif Embalagens Inds. Brasil Ltda – São Paulo - SP
- Electric retrofitting and programming of the PLC and HMI of the cut line of sheets
- Electric retrofitting and programming of the CLP and HMI of the positioning machine of ears for welding the drums
- Electric retrofitting and programming of the PLC and HMI of the drum test machine
- Burring and seal machines
- PLC and HMI replacement and bucket painting cabin and drums programming
- Implantation of safety systems according to the rules of PPRPS in presses and machines
- Turning bucket devices
- Electrical panel providing for temperature control
- Bucket Conveyors reform
- Production machines technical assistance
- PLC and HMI softwares alteration of production machines
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help the maintenance

Casa da Moeda do Brasil – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
- 03 robotic cells for coins palletizing
- 03 box and lid forming machine
- 02 Pallets Magazines
- 06 mug elevators
- 07 treadmills coins’ conveyors
- 03 treadmills boxes and lids conveyors
- Integration of all machines with supervisory system IFIX with failures and production historic
- Distance maintenance system via web
- Electrical panels of energy distribution providing
- PLC and HMI softwares alteration of production machines
- Technical assistance in production machines
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help with the maintenance

Federal Mogul – Iracemapolis – SP
- General retrofitting in machines of brake pads manufacturing
- PLC and HMI software alterations of production machines
- Technical assistance of production machines
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help with the maintenance
- Distribution electrical panels providing

Vigor Laticínios – São Paulo – SP / São Caetano do Sul - SP
- Supply of electrical panels for control of motor starters (CCM)
- Supply of electric energy distribution panels
- Alteration of PLC and HMI software for machines in production
- Technical assistance in production machines
- Supply of labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to assist the maintenance

Cecil Laminação de Metais – Itapevi – SP
- PLC and HMI lamination line programming
- PLC and HMI trefiles line programming
- PLC and HMI gas stove programming
- PLC and HMI pickling line programming
- PLC and HMI carousels programming
- PLC and HMI cutting machines programming
- Electrical panels of energy distribution providing
- Alteration of PLCs and HMIs softwares of production machines
- Technical assistance in production machines
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help with the maintenance

Omron Componentes Automotivos LTDA – Itapevi – SP
- XYZ machines to test automotive buttons
- Machines to test panels of the air conditioning control panel (low temperature test)
- Machine to cut electronic boards
- Machine to attend the PPRPS Enclosure

Yamaha Motos do Brasil – Manaus – AM
- Electrical project alteration
- PLC, MMI and supervisory programming. Implantation of valves and instruments of control, start-up and try-out in the line of industrial water treatment

Alstom Power – São Paulo – SP
MCK was responsible by a group of companies Odebrecht, Alston and Tecmed by the implementation of water system and automated cooling of hydroelectrical machining of San Francisco, in Equator. The central hydroelectrical San Francisco, first machining in the world completely underground is located at the foot of the Vulcan Tungurahua, 220 km south of Quito, Equator and generates 230 MW.

The project developed by MCK attends the automation system, as a partnership with Alston and Tecmed, to control the water pumping and the turbines cooling system, controlling the energy generators and frequency converters. It covers the installment of a Ge-Fanuc controller, of Versamax family, using a CPU model IC200CPUE05 with ETHERNET and nets Modbus RS-232/RS-485. This connection provides data for 02 supervision stations and communicates with remote PLCs, safety relays of temperature and emergency energy generators.

The alarms and system events are stored in a data bank in the machining central control, permitting the monitoring of all the process variables live, failures identification and alarms and the remote control of all the process. Monitoring the measures as current, tension, power factor and factory consume demands, relays for protection of ABB from SACE Emax serie were used via net Modbus RTU, control relays of temperature of transformers (Pextron) and data of the general diesel Cummins are also collected by the module of communication modlon. The diesel generator is controlled by remote via net through a clip of Phoenis Contact.

The system monitors the water flow, the levels, conditions of the protection relays and circuit breakers, tension, current, power. The flow is controlled by ABB of 400 KW converters + Krohne analog flowmeters controlled in PID redundancy in case a pumping machine fails another one can take its place immediately, preventing the system to have its flow interrupted.

Metalsa Ind. e Com. de autopeças LTDA – Osasco – SP
- 01 storing system and bales transference of boards,
- 01 manipulator of roll form machine board supply,
- 01 manipulator of gutters extraction of roll form machines,
- 01 Magazine of gutters transportation and truck plate,
- Providing electrical panels of energy distribution,
- Technical machine in production machines,
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help the maintenance,

Johnson Controls do Brasil LTDA – São Bernardo do Campo – SP
- Providing 01 device of setting-up of benches control

Ficosa do Brasil LTDA – Itapevi – SP
- Providing special hydraulic press for terminal presses,
- Providing machine enclosure to attend PPRPS rules,
- Providing Poka-Yoke of rearview window setting-up,
- Technical assistance of production machines,
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help with the maintenance,

Maxion Sistemas Automotivos – Contagem – MG / Cruzeiro - SP
- Integration of robotic cells of Motoman with central PLC, for productivity control, alarms and other controls.

Procter & Gamble – São Paulo
- Implantation of a cognex vision system to detect lack of a product in the box

TRW – Três Corações - MG
- Alteration of softwares PLCs and HMIs of production machines,
- Technical assistance of production machines

Mercedes – Benz – São Bernado do Campo - SP
- Automatic machine for truck plates lubrication;
- Supply machines of oil and truck differentials;

Valeo – Campinas - SP
- Grease application machine on clutch plate;

MWM International – São Paulo
- Supply machines for diesel engine oil;

Behr – Arujá - SP
- A sealing test of the radiator with traceability;

Tower – Arujá – SP
- Software alteration of PLCs and HMIs production machines,
- Technical assistance in production machines,
- Siemens PLC Training,
- Setting up, Electrical Installment, Mechanic,
- PLC and robot Programming

Yazaki – Tatuí - SP
- Software alteration of PLCs and MMIs production machines;
- Technical Assistance in production machines;
- Train of PLC Siemens programming;

Biovet- Vargem Grande Paulista - SP
- Project, compounds providing, electrical panels setting up, PLC, HMI setting up, supervisory, installment, start-up and try out of the water treatment by osmosis line;

Vale – São Luiz - MA
- Project, compounds providing, electrical panels setting up, PLC, MMI setting up, supervisory, installment, start-up and try out of the water treatment by osmosis line;

Berneck – Curitibanos – SC
- Project, compounds providing, electrical panels setting up, PLC, MMI setting up, supervisory, installment, start-up and try out of the water treatment by reverse osmosis line;

Kongsberg – Jundiaí - SP
- Steering rod cushion setting up machine;
- Clutch pedal setting up machine;
- Providing of electrical panels of energy distribution;
-Technical assistance in production machines;
- Providing labor of technicians, electricians and mechanics to help with the maintenance;

Nord Drivesystems – Guarulhos – SP
- Engine control of the panels PLC and HMI Programming;
- Providing electrical panels;
- Providing labor of technicians and electricians to help with the installment and startup of several machines;

Metrô – São Paulo – SP
- PLC and HMI Programming;
- Electrical Panels Providing;

Esmaltec – Fortaleza – CE
- Project, compounds providing, electrical panels setting up, PLC and HMI programming, supervisory, installment, start-up e try out of industrial water treatment;

Stara – Não me toque – RS
- Tehcnical assistance in NCC material cut in production machines;

Pioneer – Primaveira da Leste – MS
- Electrical Project, Compounds providing, electrical panels setting up,
- PLC and HMI programming and supervision, installment, start-up, try out of grains packing

Ouro Fino – Uberlandia - MG
- Providing labor for PLC and HMI programming and palletizing robot line of chemical products gallon;

ABL Antibióticos – Campina – SP
- Electrical project, Compounds providing, electrical panels setting up,
- PLC, HMI, Programming, Supervisory, Installment, Start-up and try out of water treatment line

Viscofan – São Paulo – SP
- Electrical project; Compounds providing, electrical panels setting up,
- PLC, HMI, Programming, Supervisory, Installment, Start-up and try out of water treatment line

Niely Gold – Nova Iguaçu - RJ
- Electrical project, Compounds providing, electrical panels setting up;
- PLC, HMI, Programming, Supervisory, Installment, Start-up and try out of water treatment line;

Honda – Manaus - AM
- Electrical project, Compounds providing, electrical panels setting up;
- PLC, HMI, Programming, Supervisory, Installment, Start-up and try out of water treatment line;

Buhler – Joinvile - SC
- Electrical project, Compounds providing, electrical panels setting up;
- PLC, MMI, Programming, Supervisory, Installment, Start-up and try out of water treatment line;

Seaquist Closures – Itapevi – SP
- Softwares PLC and HMI alteration of production machines;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

L'oréal – São Paulo – SP
- Softwares PLC and HMI alteration of production machines;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

Linde Gases – São Paulo – SP
- Amendment of software for PLC's and HMI's of production machines;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

Exxon Mobil – Paulínia – SP
- Softwares PLC and HMI alteration of production machines;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

Franho – Vinhedo – SP
- Electrical project, electrical panel setting-up, PLC and HMI Programming,
- Installment, start-up e try out of special cutting machines,
- PLC and HMI softwares alteration of special machines,
- Technical Assistance in clients and machines

MWV Calmar – São Paulo – SP
- Integration via Ethernet of all production lines and implantation of a supervisory system for production control;
- PLC and HMI softwares alteration of special machines;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

Sabó USA
- Start-up of burring and seals machine;
- Start-up of spring application in seals machine;
- Start-up of spring setting up and inspection through camera;
- PLC and HMI software alteration in the line of Phosphate coatings;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

V&M do Brasil – Contagem - MG
- Electrical project; Electrical Panels setting up; PLC and HMI Programming;
- Instalment, start-up and try out of the cutting line of pipes;
- Electrical Project; Electrical Panels setting up, PLC and MMI Programming;
- Installment, start-up and try out of pipe forging line;

Usina Malosso – Itapólis - SP
- Providing and installment of engine starting control panels

Saint – Gobain – São Paulo- SP
- Softwares PLC and MMI alteration of production machines;
- Technical assistance of production machines;

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